Electional Chart Analysis
Electional Astrology tells you when and when not to take a key action or plan an important event (i.e., the “Res”).
Common Res’s fall into one of four categories:
* Business, Legal, Financial & Professional: company formations, business launches, product sale launches, services offerings launches, filing lawsuits or arbitration demands, legal mediations and arbitrations, and execution of important contracts (including partnerships, operating agreements, shareholder agreements, key strategic alliance agreements, joint ventures, distribution agreements, marketing agreements, consultant/advisor agreements, employment contracts, financial transactions/loans/investment agreements/capital raises, etc.).
* Romantic & Social: engagements, weddings, family gatherings, holiday parties, etc.
* Travel: vacations, business trips, expeditions, tours, etc.
* Spiritual & Psychic: spirit journeys, vision quests, shamanic or plant medicine pilgrimages, events and ceremonies, etc.
The service consists of Analysis and Preparation of Two (2) Electional Chart Recommendations for the Res.* Having two dates provides you a standby or fall-back date in cases where intervening occurrences or changing circumstances require you to reschedule.
The standard service includes preparation of one (1) Tropical Astrological Natal Chart (excluding Fixed Stars, TNO’s, asteroids, planetoids and Vedic aspects) for the Res’s key individual. Additional natal charts (for partners or other key/principal individuals or for legal entities such as corporations, LLC’s, trusts, limited partnerships, etc.) are sometimes recommended.
Allow five to 7 business days for preparation of the charts.